Episode 01 - Malina Terrell


The first episode. In the books.

My instinct is to say, ‘its been such a long time coming, and so much work and energy has gone into making this happen so I’d like to thank so and so and so…” But the reality is, this podcast has been suuuuuch a quick turn around. I had the idea about 3 days before booking a flight back to to Europe. And even then I wasn’t sure the actual podcast bit would come to fruition.

For sure the idea to travel around to teams and players and just give a sneak peak into the lives of professional volleyball players has always been there. ALWAYS. No not always. But at least since last season. Since I started feeling like the end was near. Not the end of the world. Just the end of my career. But lets be honest, I’ll never actually admit its over. I’ll be calling myself a professional volleyball player until I’m walking with a cane.

But I’m glad the poddy is out there. Rough and rugged and totally newbie style, because I don’t really have any idea about all this stuff. But it’s out there. And its the beginning of a thing. And that in itself is an accomplishment.

Listen to the Podcast Episode:

Malina Terrell is an American professional volleyball player, playing for the Béziers Angels in the top French League. She was top scorer in the league last season, played at the University of San Francisco, as well as professionally in Denmark, Germany, Puerto Rico, Finland and now France.

Watch the video Part 1:

Watch the video Part 2:


Episode 02 - Ronika Stone


Episode 00 - My First Guest